Hi there! My name is Ceci Mancuso, and I’m a teacher and scholar of literature, media, and speculative fiction.

As of Fall 2021, I am teaching middle school English at Tower Hill School in Wilmington, Delaware.

I received my PhD in English literature from Harvard University in May 2021. My research interests include contemporary speculative fiction, genre theory, queer and feminist theory, and game studies. My dissertation, entitled “The Two Speculations: The Poetics of Contemporary Speculative Fiction,” differentiates several kinds of speculation in contemporary media, intervenes in discussions about increasingly blurred boundaries between genres like science fiction and fantasy, and traces the evolution of hopeful modes of speculation in the 21st century.

In past, I have also often served as an instructor and curriculum designer for the Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth.

Alongside my work, I have pursued interests in media- and technology-integrated teaching, course and curriculum design, and game design. In my free time, I enjoy blogging, traveling, game mastering and designing original content for pen-and-paper roleplaying games.